Den Kromatiske Passage, 2021. Egedal Kommune

In the autumn of 2021, we were tasked with decorating two tunnels in Ølstykke with the work ‘The Chromatic Passage’. The decoration was intended to both decorate and replace the general lighting in the tunnels. The work exists between art and design, as a hybrid between light art and general lighting.
The fixtures are hung at body height on the walls, thus forming a physical barrier against graffiti. We have designed the round wall fixtures, which only have one light source, so that they both shine inward towards the wall and outward towards the walking area at the same time. Outwardly, the light is significantly dimmed by colored foil, which is applied to the semi-transparent acrylic plate on which the fixture is designed. On top of the colored foil, another layer of protective foil is mounted, which can withstand being cleaned from spray paint. The clear back of the fixture, allows the LED to indirectly illuminate the wall in warm white (3000K), contributing to the basic lighting of the tunnel without blinding the viewer.
LED rails with white LED strips are mounted on the ceiling, which, like the wall fixtures, are covered in colored foil, illuminating the arches without blinding the viewer. Only one color is used on both walls and ceiling, presented in different saturations that change (from 50-90%). Each of the two tunnels has been given unique colors, green and pink, respectively, so that they function as wayfinding markers and create color identity in the area. The choice of colors has been discussed and turned over at workshops held for local citizens in Egedal Municipality. Thus, the colors are both adapted to the desire for increased security and the reduction of graffiti and vandalism, as well as functioning as wayfinding markers in the area and providing counterbalance to the sports facilities adjacent to them.
The project has received development support from the Danish Arts Foundation and has been realized with funds from Egedal Municipality’s Art Council.
Pictures by @kimcml #danishartsfoundation #lightart #lightdecoration #lightinstallation